Industry: Pilates

Alba is a dedicated Pilates instructor with a strong passion for training women. Her main focuses are pregnancy and postpartum.

WHAT PACKAGE IS SHE ON? Alba did our VIP Day! We came up with the content ideas, shot with her for 4 hours, edited and sent it to her to post.

WHAT ARE HER GOALS? To have content to post on any of her platforms that showcases her personality and style of training.

WHAT DOES THE STRATEGY LOOK LIKE? Alba came to us letting us know that she gets super nervous in front of the camera and needs that extra push. Her preference was to educate her audience without having to speak. We created different styles of content; trending, educational and inspirational.

Some moments we captured

Our Video & Content Creation

The goal of this video was to showcase her knowledge in training pregnant women.

Being in the fitness industry, inspiring others is a part of the job! We focused on creating some inspirational content.

There is nothing better than fun trending audios that people will share with their friends for a good laugh!

Showing off some of her fun activewear outfits using a trending audio.

Instead of dreaming of your social media goals, let’s turn them into your reality.


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