Dr. Elysa Kahan
Industry: Orthodontist

Dr. Kahan is a fiery orthodontist with a gorgeous practice that is family-friendly. She loves to sing, dance, be with her family and help her patients make their dream smile come to life. She is truly the definition of a boss!

WHAT PACKAGE IS SHE ON? Dr. Kahan is on our basic Social Media Management Takeover + VIP Day

WHAT ARE HER GOALS? To have her name reach relevant potential patients in her practice’s city.

WHAT DOES THE STRATEGY LOOK LIKE? Dr. Kahan has a clear goal and is very open-minded when it comes to our content ideas. We post trending videos that can relate to her potential patients and reach a wider audience, along with educational content to showcase Dr. Kahan’s knowledge and professionalism.


With just one month of working together so far, we have seen a tremendous shift with Dr. Kahans's page. Her followers are engaged and we even have reached +6,898% more non-followers in just the one month that we have been posting.

Social Media Handles:

Instagram: @KahanOrthodontics

Before and After our Magic Touch



Our Video & Content Creation

We created content that introduces Dr. Kahan to her exisiting and new audience.

We created content that her audience relates to and loves.

This funny reel caught many peoples attention with 85.3% of viewers being non-followers.

This reel was loved by so many! With some sarcasm from Dr. Kahan and purposefully cutting off her assistant.

Analytics from 1 month of posting

Instead of dreaming of your social media goals, let’s turn them into your reality.


Alba Pilates

