Natalie K Levi
Industry: Realtor

Natalie is a bubbly real estate agent who is passionate about making sure her clients get the best deals. She works with many first-time buyers and grows with them overtime!

WHAT PACKAGE WAS SHE ON? Natalie was on our basic Social Media Management Takeover + VIP Day

WHAT WERE HER GOALS? To become a known and trusted realtor in her community that showcased her personality.

WHAT DID THE STRATEGY LOOK LIKE? Natalie is a very bubbly yet educated realtor; as always, our strategy lies in taking what feels natural to our clients and creating content around them. So naturally we came up with playful yet educational content. Also, we focused on creating reels that were specifically about her target area, tagging the cities where she was selling homes as well as posting with relevant hashtags.


This brought Natalie the results she was yearning for from social media; potential buyers reaching out to her, people in her community letting her know that they are seeing and loving her new content that is educating them and a professional platform for her relevant customers to find her on.

Social Media Handles:

Instagram: @NatalieKLevi

Our Video & Content Creation

We educated her audience on topics that we knew were interesting to them and took negative twists on them to make them more controversial.

We jumped on fun trending audios.

With over 4,200 likes and almost 200 comments, we reached Natalie’s relevant audience.

We showcased Natalies properties that were for sale in various different ways that brought in relevant potential buyers.

We showcased Natalie’s properties while incorporating her fun and natural personality.

We focused a lot on reels that we felt her audience would appreciate and find relatable.


There is nothing better than hearing from the source itself, here’s how it was for Natalie to work with us! 

Instead of dreaming of your social media goals, let’s turn them into your reality.


Karin Adoni Nutritionist


Alba Pilates